Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blog update: Contact Caroline

Brand new page at the top of the blog!


  1. Caroline, discovered your blog today - by accident - and love it! I am deep autumn, 5' 8" and a B shape, so fit one of your set "models". I am heading towards 60, so want it a bit ladylike, but an artist and tutor so still need and like a bit of edge to the look. Love the whole site, one of the best on style and colour that I've seen - and the looks are all contemporary and wearable, exciting even. Keep up the good work, love it! Many thanks, Trisha

  2. Thanks SO much! It's been a whole year of really really hard work, and it makes all the difference to get in contact with readers and get to know a little about them. Please, don't hesitate to contact me again through here (public) or via email (private) with suggestions or requests.
